Tuesday 7 April 2009

Korengelf takes on Ingvar

UK Heroic
Mardia / Tanque / Stetson / Kaylad / Korengelf

Korengelf's first heroic guild run tonight (preceded by a couple of VoA runs), not too bad for a freshly minted mage.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


Let's see, I'm guessing you were around 14-16, that's not a problem. I run regularly with a 14 year old and I know many of those I've pugged with will be sub-21. Age is not a problem.

Attitude & being competent is.

So let's see...

  1. First pull, it's a wipe
    Yes I'm sure you're awesome, however if you pull the entire room, and we're the right level for the instance then we're more than likely to be in some serious trouble.

  2. You're a bl*dy Paladin!
    Holding aggro as a paladin isn't that hard, DPS might be able to yank aggro off you, particularly if you're running around like a mad thing collecting everything in sight and not building aggro on a target I can blow down, but dear gods it's something baby paladins can handle.

  3. Run you lazy sod
    We wiped, I'm not going to throw a tantrum, wiping on the first pull is rarely a good sign but to be frank my repair bill from this run with wipes is less than my repair bill from a heroic with 'wolf. It happens. However, stop relying our the priest to bring you back to life because you can't be bothered running. It's not cool and it slows us down, Priest has to run, priest has to build mana, has to res, has to buff, has to build mana again, all because you can't be bothered to release.

  4. AFK
    Actually thank you, the pulls without you around were much cleaner.
The little female gnome DK

Tuesday 24 March 2009

A backlog of reports

UK Heroic
Bannog / Kenau / Korenwolf / Kaylad / Mardia

UK Normal
Stetson / Korenwolf / Kaylad / Mardia / Mardek

CoS Heroic
Tanque / Korenwolf / Kenau / Bannog / Kaylad

UK Heroic
Tanque / Korenwolf / Kenau / Bannog / Kaylad

UP Heroic
Bannog / Kenau / Tanque / Korenwolf / Kaylad

UK Normal
Tanque / Bannog / Stetson / Maleficia / Unferth

Sunday 22 March 2009

UK Normal

Tanque / Steson / Maleficia / Unferth

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Nexus Heroic
Bannog / Kenau / Kaylad / Korenwolf / Ziabi

VH Heroic
Thuriin / Kenau / Kaylad / Korenwolf / Ziabi

DKs are OP

Ok, I've ranted about overpowered DKs are for a while, mostly based on watch them plough through piles of mobs and PvP with barely a break. Over the last few days I've woken Namtar up again, respecced her blood.

Dear gods, it's a whirlwind of death.

I admit that soloing the Drillmaster got a little hairy at one point but that's because I forgot to drop mark of blood on his head at the start. So she's going to be getting the levelling love for a while simply for the joy of playing a plate dps monster (Unferth and Korengelf will also be getting attention so we have ranged dps and healing coming up to 80 as well)